Adult LGBTQ+ Survivors Advanced Training 

The 5-hour training for providers working with adult LGBTQ+ survivors covers:

Creating Agency-Wide Change

  • Context and history of LGBTQ inclusion in the DV field
  • Visual cues of LGBTQ inclusivity
  • Creating LGBTQ inclusive support group options
  • Creating LGBTQ accessible shelter options

Navigating Language, Data, and Intakes

  • Why language and culturally responsive data collection is critical
  • How to ask survivors about sexual orientation, gender identity, and pronouns during an intake process and how to answer common questions from clients

Supporting LGBTQ Survivors in Navigating their Sexual Health

  • An understanding of sexual health coercion and reproductive coercion
  • How to destigmatize sexual health in working with clients
  • Understanding PrEP, PEP, birth control, and safer sex strategies and communicating health information with survivors

Being/Coming Out and “Outing”

  • Understanding the impact of being/coming out and “outing” on LGBTQ survivors
  • Learning strategies to support survivors in their coming out process
  • Learning how to support survivors with safety planning considerations around outing

Criminal Legal Issues Specific to the LGBTQ Community

  • Learning about the unique and specific barriers that LGBTQ survivors face in accessing criminal legal protections
  • Strategies for safety planning with LGBTQ survivors around issues involving law enforcement when they choose to utilize law enforcement
  • Strategies for safety planning with LGBTQ survivors who do not want to utilize law enforcement

Mental Health Issues and Outcomes Specific to the LGBTQ Community

  • Learning about the unique and specific barriers that LGBTQ survivors face in accessing mental health care
  • Best practice guidance on screening mental health care providers and supporting LGBTQ survivors in identifying safe mental health care options

Centering the Margins

  • Strategies and critical information for supporting survivors who are LGBTQ and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
  • Strategies and critical information for supporting survivors who are transgender
  • Strategies and critical information for supporting survivors who are bisexual