Access our training library through the Absorb Learning Management System. Creating an account is free and easy, and allows you to access continuously updated, on-demand, state-of-the art trainings on specific topics related to supporting LGBTQ+ survivors of intimate partner violence.
Understand the core concepts behind SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression). Learners will leave with increased knowledge about some terminology, language, and concepts helpful to understand when working with LGBTQ+ survivors.
Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation is rising at an all-time high rate in this country. This workshop aims to equip the participants with the knowledge and skills we need to leverage the anti-violence movement and survivor-support field to respond to the wave of anti-LGBTQ+ attacks.
View a recording of this panel discussion to learn more about how domestic violence survivors are uniquely impacted by this epidemic and what service providers can do to respond swiftly and effectively to mpox for survivors’ safety and wellbeing.
An interactive, self-paced, training on understanding the dynamics of dating violence that LGBTQ+ youth survivors go through and learning best strategies to support survivors. This training will incorporate practical skills in working with youth as well as opportunities to get involved in creating stronger and more culturally specific national responses to LGBTQ+ survivors of intimate partner violence.
An interactive, self-paced training on understanding sexual health coercion and reproductive coercion, how to destigmatize sexual health in working with LGBTQ+ survivors, understanding PrEP, PEP, birth control, and safer sex strategies, and strategies for communicating health information with LGBTQ+ survivors.
An interactive, self-paced training on the unique and specific barriers and challenges that bisexual survivors face and how to provide informed support services to improve advocacy outcomes.
An interactive, self-paced training on LGBTQ+ inclusive language best practices and strategies for implementing sexual orientation, gender identity, and pronouns into an intake process.
A recording of a webinar held by Futures Without Violence and You are More Than in conjunction with the National LGBTQ Institute on Intimate Partner Violence that outlines strategies to effectively mitigate LGBTQ+ survivors of violence’s unique and intersecting barriers to employment.
This webinar hosted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Capacity Technical Assistance (CTA) Team & the National LGBTQ Institute on Intimate Partner Violence focused on FVPSA requirements for LGBTQ+ accessibility and non-discrimination, LGBTQ+ accessibility practices for DV organizations, and how States can successfully monitor FVPSA funded subrecipients for non-discrimination and accessibility of services for LGBTQ+ survivors.
Intimate partner violence impacts people across various circumstances and experiences; people who trade sex are no exception. While sex workers’ experiences of violence are often discussed, almost no attention is paid to sex workers’ experiences of violence in non-work settings. This webinar recording explores some unique factors that make sex workers vulnerable to violence and some of the common challenges they face when accessing care and support. Attendees will learn five core competencies for serving people who trade sex and how these approaches can build trust and improve safety and support for an often erased community.
The National LGBTQ+ Institute on IPV welcomes our guest presenter Jovita Belgarde for their presentation on how to recognize the signs of teen dating violence, how it affects Indigenous LGBTQ2S+ teens in relationships, and share resources to help young folks experiencing violence in relationships.
Breaking Barriers is a podcast created to give voice to best practices that enhance the safety, well-being, support, and health of LGBTQ+ intimate partner violence survivors throughout the country.
How to use the Absorb Learning Management System:
Our training library is available free-of-charge through a website called Absorb. If you click on the icons above, it will take you to a link of our catalog of courses or take you directly to the check out menu for that particular course. Just follow the prompts to add the courses you would like to take into your shopping cart. At check out, you will need to enter some basic information to create an account. Once your account is created and you have “purchased” the free courses, check your email for an invitation to activate your account. Once your account is activated, you will be ready to take the self-paced online course at your convenience. You can log back in any time to take more courses.