Youth LGBTQ+ Survivors Advanced Training
The 5-hour training for providers working with LGBTQ+ youth survivors covers:
Creating Safe Spaces for LGBTQ Youth
- Intentionality around visual cues and inclusive language
- Nondiscrimination policies and their importance in creating safe space
- Bystander intervention and responding to anti-LGBTQ+ bias
- Working with youth who are not out
Centering the Margins
- Strategies and critical information for supporting youth survivors who are LGBTQ and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color
- Strategies and critical information for supporting youth survivors who are transgender
- Strategies and critical information for supporting youth survivors who are bisexual
Cyber Stalking and Digital Abuse
- Navigating the unique dynamics of cyber stalking and digital abuse for LGBTQ+ youth survivors
- Outing as a tool of abuse
Coming Out and Outing
- Understanding the impact of coming out and outing on LGBTQ+ youth survivors
- Forced outing and anti-trans bills across the United States
- Learning how to support survivors with safety planning considerations around outing
Sexual Health
- Understanding stigma and shame around sexual health for youth
- Practicing age-appropriate sexual health conversations for youth K-12
- Understanding PrEP, PEP, birth control, and safer sex strategies
- Communicating health information with youth survivors
Gender Affirming Care
- Distinguishing between social, legal, and medical transition
- Best practices for discussing puberty blockers
- Barriers to gender affirming care across the country
- Gender euphoria and the positive effects of gender affirming care for LGBTQ+ youth