A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan to improve your safety while experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or after you leave. This interactive toolkit helps you come up with a safety plan unique to you.
This PDF provides twelve useful safety tips for folks to stay mindful and aware as they operate in their day to day lives.
This guide from FORGE provides thorough education for transgender survivors of sexual assault. From finding the right support model to self-help techniques this guide can be a powerful resource.
This zine serves as a survivor-defined, trauma-informed, intersectional guide for the community by the community. Readers will gain an understanding of domestic violence, learn how the LGBTQ+ community is uniquely impacted, and get resources for safety plan and get support.
This sheet provided by FORGE specifically helps the transgender community understand the laws from where to get help to how to file a complaint.
This online resource provides a directory to connect survivors to caregivers for pets when they have been displaced due to Intimate Partner Violence and/or unable to take their pets to an emergency shelter.
A tipsheet on trans-specific tactics used against transgender and nonbinary people. Topic explored include safety, undermining identity, and more.
This wellness guide from NAPIESV provides practices that can help with maintaining/balancing your individual wellness. From food to affirmations, this guide emphasizes self-care as a crucial part in building collective wellness.
Please note: If you are looking for mental health or other support services in Los Angeles, you can reach the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Stop Violence Program directly at (323-860-5806) or email at stopviolence@lalgbtcenter.org. If you are looking for legal support, you can also reach out to the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s Legal Advocacy Program for Survivors at (323-993-7649) or email at laps@lalgbtcenter.org .
If you are looking for support outside of the Los Angeles area, you can reach the Anti-Violence Project’s (AVP) 24/7 Spanish/English hotline for LGBTQ survivors of violence at 212-714-1141. This is a confidential and free number that won’t track your location or call the police. You can utilize this resource to report violence anonymously, ask for a counselor, and/or receive immediate safety planning. Additionally, depending on your location, AVP can accompany you to court, the police, HRA, or another service provider.